Koontz Gender Reveal

Two of my very best friends are pregnant at the same time.  Melissa wanted to do a gender reveal shoot for her family – find those photos here.  My other friend, Jeanne, wanted to do a gender reveal shoot for their son, Aiden.  She and her hubby found out the gender of the baby during an ultrasound a few days before the shoot.  Aiden was thinking pink and hoping for a sister, but…

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You can see his expression start to change here.

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And here realization sets in that he is not getting the sister he wanted.  He was quite disappointed.  Sweet little guy!  Side note: the day before, Jeanne texted me saying that Aiden wanted a sister AND a brother.  She informed him that they were done, and she wasn’t going to have any more kids.  He asked “How did Rosemary have four kids?”  Heehee!  That gave me quite the chuckle!

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Not exactly the photo they would have hoped for I imagine, but it will be a funny story for when their boys are grown!

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I love his sweet pout!

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I love that they have the same expression here.

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My sweet friends!  Not many guys can pull off curly hair like Danny does.  He has such pretty curls!

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The unattractive side of pregnancy.  🙂  Thanks for being a good sport, Danny!

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Okay, baby, I guess I’ll like you!

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Shy grin!

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I love this one especially because you can see his big brother shirt.  He wears it with pride!

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A photo of the whole family!

Thanks for letting me tell your story, Koontz family!  XOXO

3 thoughts on “Koontz Gender Reveal

  1. Pingback: Rousseau Gender Reveal | teethmarksonthegluestick

  2. Pingback: Rousseau Gender Reveal | Picklebean Photography

  3. Pingback: Baby James | Picklebean Photography

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